Faith Share
Tuesdays at 8pm we gather for our weekly community event at Whalley Memorial Chapel. Faith Share has evolved from a social that used to attract a few students, to one that sometimes has up to thirty! Students come together for community, singing Praise & Worship, fun activities, and a light lesson and discussion on faith!
Many students have commented on the night by saying it gives them “energy to go throughout the week” and “the night is addicting, go once and you always come back.” People who joined throughout the semester have also said, how welcomed they felt when they first tried something new.
Our ministry group makes it easy to come together, feel apart, and rely on each other no matter how you practice your faith! All Catholics and other Denominations are welcome!
Discovering the fullness of your sexuality! Speaker: Mrs. Peg Luksik
Speaker: Amy Kanich, Dir. of Campus Ministry at Mt. Aloysius
Guest Speaker and Grad Student: Jess Numer
Discovering the fullness of your sexuality! Speaker: Mrs. Peg Luksik
The 6Pack Dinner & Discussion Series is typically a monthly event, held at a local restaurant. CCM provides dinner for students as well as an engaging speaker to present information and discuss varying topics while they dine. This series is called 6Pack due to the amount of speakers throughout the year. Three sessions are held during the fall semester and three in the spring. Topics for the series are based upon student requests and input. 6Pack is usually held off campus at The Bistro in Johnstown. Pizza, wings, fries, and drinks are compliments of UPJ Catholic Campus Ministry. Students enjoy the opportunity to get off campus for a night out. Transportation is provided.
6Pack Dinner & Discussion
Spring and Fall Retreats
Some of our most favorite times together are retreats weekends, which occur in both the Fall and Spring semesters. Retreats are designed to get students away from the craziness of life to spend some alone time with God and others. These weekends are often spent identifying distractions in our faith and learning how to remove them from day-to-day life in order to fully be “all in" when it comes to our personal relationship with Jesus.
Our officers and leadership students lead fun activities and give inspirational talks and interactive prayers to encourage others to "look deeper" and "focus" on their walk with Christ! Like our 6Pack program, retreats also serve as a getaway from the repetitiveness of school life and bring students into a fun atmosphere, enabling them to be in faith-filled community with others. Retreats are typically held at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and Retreat Center in New Baltimore, PA. Stay updated with our plans for next school year!
Mass, Sacraments, and other Activities...
Understanding that the Eucharist is the source and summit of all the activity of the Church...We gather weekly for Sunday Mass at 6:00pm at the Whalley Memorial Chapel. Reconcilliation is also offered, immediately following the Sunday Mass in Our "Blessed Sacrament Chapel", located near the Whalley Chapel fellowship room.
The University community is invited to join in these sacred mysteries, sharing their gifts through our many liturgical ministry opportunities.
For those interested...students may sign up to volunteer at our services by Greeting, Lectoring, Altar Serving, being a Eucharistic Minister, and in our Music Ministry as a Musician or Vocalist. Contact us for more information or sign up through the link on our Home page.
Catholic Campus Ministry also offers those interested in the Catholic faith, the opportunity to be fully initiated in the Catholic Church through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). This program begins in the fall and culminates at the Easter Vigil Mass at St. Benedicts, Johnstown, PA. Contact us if you are interested!
Our "Blessed Sacrament Chapel" is open daily from 8 a.m.-11 p.m. for private Adoration. It is located near the Whalley Chapel fellowship room.