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At CCM, we believe that music is a great tool to connect and give God praise!. Lead by Kevin McCrary, we sing at the beginning and end of every Faith Share, making it a great way to begin and end our time together. We also use Kevin's musical talent during our masses as well, with the addition of a choir. Those interested in sharing their musical gifts, whether it may be through an instrument, or one's voice, should contact us for more info! Scroll down and/or (for desktop users) click the song links to join us in worship and song!
Lord I need you
How Great is Our God
How Great is Our God
Mary Did you Know?
Mary, Did you Know?
Open the Eyes Of My Heart
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
Shout to the Earth
I Will Follow
I will follow
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
My Chains Are Gone
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